Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend, Books, and random thoughts

I had a pretty great weekend. Yesterday I went to my friends Libby and Jeff's house for a football party. I'm not usually a football fan, but this year the New Orleans Saints are headed for the Superbowl! I am a HUGE fan of New Orleans, as a city. The food, music, scenery, everything. That's where I'm getting married in May. So, it was a very happy day yesterday when the Saints tromped the Vikings in overtime. GO SAINTS!

Other than that, I watched a bunch of movies, including Sliding Doors and Shakespeare in Love. I really like curling up on the sofa to watch movies. It's one of my favorite things. I also played with my niece Eloise a lot on Saturday, and started a book I really like called Dairy Queen too. All in all, it was a nice couple of days.

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