Monday, February 1, 2010

Another weekend, a Warhorse, Nerds, and Trivial Pursuit

This weekend was great. On Friday night some friends came over to celebrate the fact that they just got engaged to be married. They are our favorite couple-friends, and we had a great time playing Trivial Pursuit (my ALL time favorite board game) and laughing our butts off. They stayed over in the guest room (a grown-ups' slumber party) and in the morning we slept really, really late and then walked to a nearby French restaurant for brunch. It was SO good, and I was satisfied with me weekend as early as Saturday morning!
So then.....I read. Well, first I shopped and then I read. I bought some new books for the library (but need to read them first, in case they are a little too mature...). I finished a GREAT book called Into the Wild Nerd Yonder by Julie Halpern. It's about a 10th grader whose friends have suddenly transformed into super-punk chicks and only want to hang out with the older, "cool" students. One of the so-called friends REALLY hurts her feelings and they basically stop being friends, but Jessie (that's the main character) is confused about the people who seem to be becoming her NEW friends because they are NERDS and she isn't sure how she feels about that. Like any good book, there is romance, betrayal, humor, friendship, and more. Plus, the main character reads REALLY good books.

Then I started another book called I Am the Great Horse by Katherine Roberts. This book is about Alexander the Great, but the COOL thing is that the book is told by Alexander's HORSE Bucephalus. Bucephalus is legendary for being fierce, huge, strong, and SCARY. Some people called him a man-eating horse. This book is filled with bloody battles, daring missions, and near-death experiences. It is action packed and TOTALLY awesome.

Wouldn't it be funny to get a little dog and name it Bucephalus?

How is it possible that I could like two books that are SO TOTALLY DIFFERENT? Good question. Some people stick to just one type of book, movie, music, food, or TV show. Not me. If it's good, I'll read it, watch it, listen to it, or eat it. Life is more interesting that way.


  1. IT will be funny to name a dog Bucephalus. I like the summary you made about the book called "Into the Wild Nerd Yonder" It sound fun. I'll check it out if you put it.

  2. Congrats on marriage proposal sounds like you had fun indeed

  3. Ive never heard of those books Ms.Murphy. I mostly just like the books about blood voilence and fantasy. The book about the horse seems pretty interesting because theres violence, maybe ill end up reading that book in the future

  4. lol anthony i hate the blood and violence i get the creeps at night

  5. My bad i misread about the proposal anyways, i am the great horse seems intresting

  6. huh cool cant wait to check out some cool books and im w/ anthony without the horse part bye

  7. well i think that in a way Ms. Murphy is still acting like a teenager going from interests to interests in a matter of days and thats a good thing my favorite reason for being a kid is THE BOMB especially if your a nerd "We all start out knowing magic we are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside of us. ... able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. BUT THEN WE GET THE MAGIC EDUCATED RIGHT OUT OF our souls!!! We get churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out. we get put on the strange and narrow and told to be responsible. told to act our age. told to grow up, for God's sake. and why do you think we are told that. Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our wildness and youth, and because the magic they knew made them ashamed and sad of what they allowed to wither in themselves"

    -boys life by Robert Mc. Cammeon

  8. omg...well umm hi and stuff...... i just wanted to say that both of those books sound really cool.... they are books that everyone should think of reading.... i really enjoy the summary of "I am the great horse" i tink im going to check that book out..... i also agree with the fact that ppl should try new things and eat new foods...i mean life is short so make the most of it...

  9. that sounds awsome i might just read the books u never know.!!!????but like always the reccomendations u give are great!!

  10. WOW!I Really like your blog especially the book review "Into The Wild Nerd Yonder". It Looks really interesting, can't wait to read it myself!!!!!!!!!^_^
