Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A+ : You Know You Want One!

Here is an example of a real-life A+ blog entry for the required Week 2 blog post. Why, you ask? Well, because this person clearly took the time to search the library and learn about the books he was recommending, even if they were not books he has read himself. He used the CATALOG people! Amazing.

Dear 8th grader,I have three diaries that is formatted into a book. The first diary is called "Party Princess." It's about a fifteen year old girl named Mia that tries to figure out how to raise money for the bankrupt student government at her school. While, also worrying about how to be a party girl. The next book is called "Vampire Diaries". It's about two vampire brothers named Damen and Stefan find their bond torn apart by a woman who they both love and tragedies of their past. And the last book is called "Princess in the brink" it's about how Princess Mia's junior year in high school starts off with a difficult course load, a crazy student council race, Grandmere's search for temporary lodging, and the news that her boyfriend is moving to Japan next year. To find out where there is more books about diaries then you should go on the library catalog and look it up.

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