Thursday, January 7, 2010

Finally I Found a Book to Read2

I have been in a major reading slump! I've started lots of books that I didn't want to finish, which drives me crazy. I hate not finishing a book, even though I always stop reading if I'm not enjoying myself. Sometimes it's really, really hard to find what you're in the mood for, and lately I haven't been in the mood for anything!

So I am relieved to say that I finally found a book I want to read. Hallelujah! And I can thank Michelle (former student librarian, now working in the deans' office). She loves this book and has tried to get me to read it for months, but I've never been in the mood. Now, it's the perfect choice. I've only read a page or two and already I'm hooked. I won't say more until I've finished, and I don't think that'll be too long from now.

Thanks Michelle.

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