Monday, August 24, 2009

I Fail!

If I were being graded for this blog, I'd be doing terribly! it's been a long time since I've written anything. So, on Friday I spent a lot of time trying to finish a book because I knew that another teacher wanted to take it home for the weekend. I read trhough my lunch, during passing periods.... I finally finishd it (300 pages in one day!) and called the teacher and guess what? She wasn't there! She was absent.!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I left her a rude voicemail (not really!).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


IMO, Disneyland is so much fun! FYI, I was there with my friends on Saturday, and after we went on Space Mountain we were so excited that we were ROFL. IMHO, that is the best ride. When I was on it, I looking like :0, cause I was yelling and screaming. And then I was like :-O when we went around the curves and it felt like I was going to fly out of the car. My friends said let's go again, and we decided to GFI because GMTA! Even though it was really late and the park was about to close, we went again. When we drove home we were all :-D, but then we were all :( that it was over.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Music from My Middle School Years

So, I love how everyone blogs about their music choices. I've decided to keep track of the music I listened to when I was in middle school. I'm adding a list on the side of this blog so that I can add bands as I think of them. Some of them you may know, others you certainly don't. Some of the bands suck, others are amazingly great. You might like them.....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Little Vacation

So, I'm back! I had a great time in New Orleans, and got lots of planning done for my wedding. It's going to be on May 22nd. Here are some pictures of what the place looks like. It's a 200-year-old bank building, and it's really atmospheric.