Monday, July 20, 2009

Harry Potter movie

Last night, I saw the newest Harry Potter movie. Up until the end, I think it was my favorite of all the Harry Potter movies. The end was a real disappointment though, but probably only to the people who read the book. A big, cool fight scene was completely left out! I mean, in the book, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and all the kids get to fight the Death Eaters and really test their skills. I don't understand why such an exciting scene would be eliminated. What a bummer!

Other than that, I loved every minute of it. The classrooms at Hogwarts are so cool, and the character Horace Slughorn was really funny. Not to mention the fact that the cave with the horcrux and the zombies was exactly as I had imagined it. I highly recommend it.


  1. cool.. i want to watch it to. i saw the preview but i havent gone to watch it..the movie looks so awesome...

  2. havent seen it yet but it sounds cool so im a try to see it
