Thursday, July 23, 2009


Last night I babysat my niece Eloise (you may have seen her picture on my office door). We read five books together. Well, sort of. I think we got all the way through one book. She "read" two of them to me, making up words that go with the pictures with surprising accuracy. Sometimes she even knew the exact words on the page, even though she can't read yet. (She's 3, btw.) I guess that's from memorizing the story after reading the books over and over and over. Two of the books were interrupted by her foot. She liked to put her foot over the words or the characters faces and stop me from turned the page. Then she would crack up laughing. It was great.

The books we read were The Little Engine that Could, Rotten Ralph, Knuffle Bunny, Where the Wild Things Are, and George and Martha.

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